Wine tasting


How to do the wine tasting

Wine tastes well if all components are in the right balance to one another. A little detuning can already disturb the harmony of the tasting. The wine tasting is carried out with all senses. First the color is examined to conceive a first idea of the wine. It is poured from the bottle into a glass whereby various aromas are released. To enjoy the wine fully it should be tasted on an empty stomach. It is recommended not to have smoked, drunk coffee, brushed teeth immediately before the tasting or to wear perfume.
Here are some more recommendations for un unforgettable tasting experience of quality wines: taste and scent of the wine are ideally perceived in a bright environment. Usually, more than one wine is tasted at a tasting event, therefore it is recommended to start off with a rather neutral and delicate wine. In order to appreciate the various characteristics as good as possible, the wines should be served according to the serving rules for white, red and sparkling wines. To enjoy red wine ideally, it should not be drunk immediately after opening and should have room temperature. Whereas white wines should not have room temperature, as cold white wines have a lower content of acidity. In general, the information on the label should be followed. Furthermore, it is important to consider the wine glass. The glass is only filled up to a quarter to be able to wave the wine, and let the aromas and the taste unfold properly.

To summarize:

– Examining the first appearance
– Smelling the wine in the bottle
– Smelling the wine after decanting
– Tilting the glass in order to recognize the exact color
– Waving the glass quickly and firmly to recognize faultiness of the wine
– Slowly taking a sip and perceiving the flavors

The last fundamental factor for everyone tasting wine regularly and passionately or merely one-time in society is to take the time to fully enjoy life’s pleasures.